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Intro to Swit

What is Swit?

Swit is an AI-powered enterprise workspace that provides task management and communication spaces for cross-team collaboration, designed to bridge the gap created by data silos between numerous apps. Swit is also the first collaboration tool from Korea recommended by Google, offering value beyond the concept of collaboration tool to establish itself as the future of work hub.


To find out more about Swit, request a demo.

Task management for team collaboration

To ensure the success of a project, it is necessary to set clear priorities, assign defined responsibilities, maintain open communication, and adhere to deadlines. Because each organization has its own unique project management approach, Recognizing that every organization has a distinct approach to project management, Swit provides unparalleled flexibility in task management. Swit is designed to accommodate projects from any industry and scale, facilitating a broad range of workflows through its customizable settings.

  • Powerful task function: Attach files, emails, and related messages directly to tasks. Add checklists, subtasks, and assignees to the task details. By clarifying the priority and timeline of tasks, you can set clear expectations and draft a blueprint for the project. Swit offers an unlimited task configuration adaptable to any form of business or organization.

  • Project dashboard: In Swit, there's no need for unnecessary guesswork, as custom charts and graphs can be utilized to create progress reports visible to all members of the organization. Track the time spent on tasks, understand individual workloads, and use relevant data to improve the project's direction.

  • Share the work process to chat: Communication is essential for collaboration. Swit is an app designed to connect the two absolute essentials of collaboration: "task" and "communication" - that is, task management and communication. With just drag-and-drop, you can easily share tasks to a channel or chat, inform about the progress, ask questions, or collect feedback.

Communication for work, work through communication

  • Communication beyond the workspace boundaries: Swit is designed to allow the sharing of posts between different workspaces within an organization. Within an environment optimized for inter-team collaboration, organizational members can carry out their tasks seamlessly.

  • Convert messages into tasks: In Swit, where chat and task management features coexist in one space, collaborative work with a natural flow is possible. You can easily turn messages posted in a channel into tasks and attach all relevant context and various types of files.

  • Multidirectional connection: Collaboration should smoothly occur in all directions. Swit allows users to mention each other based on the group or team, allowing for both horizontal and vertical collaboration by ensuring clearer and more transparent communication.

  • Public or private communication: Based on the purpose of communication, you can set the channel to make it public or private. In addition to channels, you can communicate through 1:1 or group chat with colleagues.

  • Comments and reactions: You can use comments to continue discussions. To indicate that you have read a message or express agreement, use emoji. Organization administrators can set up custom emojis that reflect your organization's culture to enhance team spirit.

Custom environment for flexible employee management

  • Goals plug-in: For any organization, transparent and logical goal setting and management are essential. You can connect numerous tasks and projects to company-wide objectives or key results, allowing for transparent tracking and management of work progress.

  • Easy-to-share Approvals plug-in: Through the perfect interplay of Swit's core functions and plug-ins, users can easily automate the electronic approval process. When drafting a request, by selecting the associated team, a notification is instantly sent to the members of that team as soon as the request is approved. Additionally, related requests can be shared in channels or chat.

  • Guests permission and management: After installing Swit's Guests plug-in, organizational administrators can invite guests to the organization, allow them to participate in workspaces, and set permissions. When collaborating with external contractors or freelancers, you can utilize the Guests plug-in to decide which channels to grant them access to. Guests, like organization members, can integrate various functions such as documents, files, and emails into the workspace and participate in assigned tasks, making use of various collaborative features.

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